The DESCH test rigs can be divided into the main areas: Grinding-in test rigs Test rigs for press clutches Gearbox test rigs Test rigs for complete drives New development centre Innovative test rig technology for Clutches Planetary gears Press drives
We are a leading family company in modern mechanical engineering and system construction with business areas that consolidate each other. As a market-leading partner in drive technology, we offer our discerning customers innovative and customised system solutions along the entire transmission line. As a reliable partner, we supply the highest quality and service which improves the market position of our customers. In our relevant market niches, we are leader in Germany and Europe and demonstrate strong growth in North America and other growth markets. In the planetary and special gears, press drives and switch clutch segments we wish to strengthen our position as leaders in expertise. In doing so, we want to set ourselves apart using our leading-edge technology and our competency in consulting, in order to do justice to the increasing individualisation of the products in our customers' markets. Furthermore, we would especially like to distinguish ourselves in the belt-driven drive components segment with our high flexibility and responsiveness as a Service Centre for industrial applications. We supervise, alongside technical trade, OEMs and end users and strive for enhancement of our market leadership in Europe in this segment as an importer and manufacturer. As a full-service provider in the conventional services and machine diagnosis services segment, we have set ourselves apart from the competition. We will continue developing from a classic supplier to a system partner and service provider for our customers. We use our consultation expertise in order to evaluate and optimise complete drive systems beyond our own product program.
A comprehensive test rig is available for the manufacture of safety clutches. Every safety clutch produced by DESCH Antriebstechnik GmbH, from the lowest torque (150 Nm) to the highest torque (300,000 Nm) goes through the run-in or grinding-in process on this test bed. This involves geometrically aligning the parts in friction contact. Compressed air is used for disengagement where the disengagement point is controlled by the torque and the threshold can be set with a precision of 5 %. Every DESCH safety clutch gets its own, measured characteristic coupling curve which the customer receives with the delivery. All of the necessary test beds to do this were designed and built by DESCH Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG. This guarantees that the high safety requirements placed on the products are precisely coordinated.
As a renowned manufacturer of special planetary gears, DESCH Antriebstechnik has to rely on comprehensive test runs. As is the case for other products, a test run is always due at the end of the production chain for planetary gears. Practical tests here should confirm the theoretically determined parameters. This is often done with our customers in attendance. All of the necessary test beds to do this were also designed