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Traktionssysteme Austria is an Austrian company, situated in a location full of tradition. Traction drives have been manufactured for nearly 50 years now at the former Brown Boveri plant in Wiener Neudorf. Our experience and competence is accordingly. However, the company scope and product requirements have changed essentially. Quality, availability and price, alone determine success, both for the vehicle producer and the component supplier. As an independent company, we are prepared to accept all responsibilities in the customer‘s advantage. Our aim is to be in a leading position in the world market for car drive systems.

Tram: ULF Vienna, Austria vehicle builder / customer: Siemens / Elin EBG Traction units 2250 type TMK-31-28-4 power 52 kW cooling surface cooled features 100% ultra low floor tram project: Metro: Euskotren-Bilbao, Spain vehicle builder / customer: CAF / Trainelec units 364 type TME-44-26-4 power 180 kW cooling open, self ventilated features - project: Tram: Sevilla, Spain vehicle builder / customer: CAF / Elin EBG Traction units 160 type TMR-36-19-4 power 2 x 61 kW cooling totally enclosed, self ventilated features - project: Metro: STIP Brüssel, Belgium vehicle builder / customer: CAF / Elin EBG Traction units 240 type TMR-40-30-4 power 150 kW cooling totally enclosed, self ventilated features - project: EMU: ED74, Poland vehicle builder / customer: PESA / PESA units 59 type TMF-59-39-4 power 500 kW cooling forced air cooled features drive system (incl. gearbox) project: LRV: Phoenix / Seattle, USA vehicle builder / customer: Kinki Sharyo / Elin EBG Traction units 298 type TMR-40-28-4 power 140 kW cooling totally enclosed, self ventilated features "Buy America"-compliant project: EMU: FLIRT vehicle builder / customer: Stadler / Stadler units > 1400 type TMF-59-39-4 power 500 kW cooling forced air cooled features drive system (incl. gearbox) project: EMU/DMU: GTW2 vehicle builder / customer: Stadler / Stadler units > 400 (120) type TMF-59-33-4 (TG 59-28-4) power 400 kW (370 kW) cooling forced air cooled features drive system incl. gearbox (generators for DMUs) project: LRV: Manchester, UK vehicle builder / customer: Bombardier / Vossloh Kiepe units 156 type TMR-36-30-4 power 125 kW cooling totally enclosed, self ventilated features - project: Metro: Porto, Portugal vehicle builder / customer: Bombardier / Vossloh Kiepe units 240 type TMR-36-30-4 power 125 kW cooling totally enclosed, self ventilated features drive system (incl. gearbox) project: Trolleybus: numerous projects vehicle builder / customer: Hess / Vossloh Kiepe units 200 type TMF-35-44-4 power 160 kW cooling forced air cooled features lightweight trolleybus motor


  國(guó)內(nèi)業(yè)務(wù): 021-51085793   Fax:021-51086107
海外業(yè)務(wù): 00852-27828783 Fax:00852-30119987
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