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  上海武田機電,總部設(shè)在上海,在香港,德國,美國,日本均設(shè)有分公司,擁有良好的購銷渠道,歡迎來電咨詢 TEL:0086-21-51085793






日本機械技術(shù)株式會社、NKG風(fēng)機、NKG FAN, NKG陶瓷風(fēng)機

NKG CORPORATION日本機械技術(shù)株式會社

NKG's excellent design is based on fluid dynamics and the optimum balance between the casing and the impeller to produces a smooth air flow. As a result of the optimum balance between the casing and the impeller, our Power Saving fans achieve a maximum efficiency of 88%. We are proud to say that this puts us in the top class for efficiency in the industry all over the world This high efficiency enables you to achieve a reduction of about 10 to 30% of electric power consumption by replacing your existing fan with one of NKG’s FANs. This reason is that NKG’s excellent design is based on fluid dynamics to produces a smooth air flow. Consequently, compared to general fans, they consume less electricity for the same flow volume and pressure. As a result, you can save running cost. Also, noise and vibration can be decreased.

主要客戶:旭硝子(株)、王子製紙(株)、JFEスチール(株)、新日本製鐵(株)、 新日本石油精製(株)、住友化學(xué)(株)、太平洋セメント(株)、千代田化工建設(shè)(株)、 トヨタ自動車(株)、日揮(株)、日新製鋼(株)、三菱重工業(yè)(株)、他 (敬稱略、順不同)


  國內(nèi)業(yè)務(wù): 021-51085793   Fax:021-51086107   Email:wsitl@21cn.net
海外業(yè)務(wù): 00852-27828783 Fax:00852-30119987 Email:sales#fcws.hk
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