GAEBRIDGE Incremental shaft encoders also known as Incremental Rotary Shaft Encoders are ideal for monitoring sensing a rotating shaft, or even linear position sensing when used in conjunction with ball screws etc, rollers. When integrated into a control system, they provide speed, position, acceleration & direction feedback data to the system. Incremental encoders produce a series of pulses directly proportional to movement of its shaft. Incremental encoder pulses usually consist of two square-wave signals known as A channel & B channel (also known as 1 channel & 2 channel). Some of the various Gaebridge? Series of incremental and absolute encoders are shown below: If you know your Gaebridge? Model Basic Series number – click the appropriate number and fill out the encoder details on the form supplied: 15AL 15L 20L 20M 22L 23 23M 23AL 23GL 23HL 23JL 23L 23GHL 23GS 23TMFL 24FL 24RL 25DLL 25DML 26 27GL 27L 30 30L 30M 30UL 30HD 30HDL 30BHL 30TMFL 30TMRL 33 33L 33FL 33M 33MML 35 35L 45L 45HD 45HDL 48 48L 48M 60 60L 60BHL 60HDL
GAEBRIDGE Absolute Encoders Absolute Shaft Encoders also known as Absolute Rotary Encoders provide a unique binary bit output for each resolvable position. This unique bit pattern (shaft position) is read directly from the disc arrangement within the encoder, so that if power is lost, the true shaft position value is not lost. On power up, the true actual shaft position value is read again from the encoder disc, so the machine can continue its operation without the need for returning to a home position before continuing. Absolute encoders are available over one single turn, or many thousands of turns, known as Multi-turn Absolute Encoders. Available output codes include Gray, Gray-Excess, Binary and BCD, and various serial, SSI & bus system encoders are also available for interfacing to various types of PLC such as Profibus DP, CAN bus, Interbus and several others. Some of the various Gaebridge? Series of incremental and absolute encoders are shown below: If you know your Gaebridge? Model Basic Series number – click the appropriate number and fill out the encoder details on the form supplied: 15AL 15L 20L 20M 22L 23 23M 23AL 23GL 23HL 23JL 23L 23GHL 23GS 23TMFL 24FL 24RL 25DLL 25DML 26 27GL 27L 30 30L 30M 30UL 30HD 30HDL 30BHL 30TMFL 30TMRL 33 33L 33FL 33M 33MML 35 35L 45L 45HD 45HDL 48 48L 48M 60 60L 60BHL 60HDL